Experimenting with Python

To be frank, I really expected myself to be more confused by how different Python is from Javascript. It's relatively similiar and also extremely inviting thanks to the possiblities.

Blog post by Krzysztof Szafran

So far I love how much I can do with basic modules. So many things I couldn't really do by making websites. Although I'm pretty some if not all of those things could be done with just NodeJS alone - but still.

The autoclickers, auto-typing functions just come in so handy in so many events it's crazy.

I felt slightly lost until I got myself some GUI to go along the code - that was an incredible efficiency boost!

Now I'm currently working on some brute-force automation of some of my BricsCad work.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to save weeks of work thanks to it. If not more.

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